Quadra Island Health and Wellness Resources

Quadra Island Medical Clinic is proud to support Quadra Island’s five main communities: Quathiaski Cove, the commercial hub of Quadra and the most populated; Heriot Bay, the picturesque gateway to the Discovery Islands and mainland inlets, and Cape Mudge (Yuculta), home to the We Wai Kai band of the Kwakwak’awakw (Kwagiulth) First Nation, Granite Bay, the farthest northern point of the island and Bold Point community located on the north east side and the main access point for Read Island residents.


Seniors Resource Centre

At the Quadra Circle office, located beside the Quadra Island medical Clinic, they provide resource information for seniors and their families and recruit and link volunteers with Quadra Circle services. Volunteers do a variety of fun, interesting tasks that make a big difference in peoples lives. Visit our office or website to find out more. Office hours: Wednesday to Friday, 11am - 3pm. 250-285-2255

Home Meals

Allows seniors, caregivers, those coping with illness or recovering from surgery or childbirth to receive nutritious, tasty, low cost, frozen meals from Ironwood Place care-home in Campbell River. Order meals weekly and pick them up at Quadra Circles Office on Wednesdays and Fridays. 11:30 - 3:00pm. Meals can be delivered on request. Office: 250-285-2255; qcircleoffice@gmail.com

Better At Home Program

Provides non-medical services to help seniors manage at home. Services include: house-cleaning, light home repair, yardwork, wood stacking and transportation to appointments, activities and for grocery or prescription delivery. Sliding fee scale with most services at low or no cost for those receiving GIS. To Apply: Kelly Beamish, BAH Co-ordinator; 250-203-5562; BAHquadracircle@gmail.com


Free volunteer driver service which helps seniors and others who need rides to activities, community events or appointments or to arrange prescription/ grocery delivery call: 250-285-2255; qcircleoffice@gmail.com

Caregivers Support Group

Without self care, the increased demands on a caregiver can take their toll. Assisted by volunteer facilitators, caregivers meet twice a month to share their concerns, offer support to each other and discover ways and resources to solve problems. Drop in at the Community Centre on designated Mondays in Room 2, 2:30 - 4Pm. For meeting dates, check Quadra Circles Website Activities Calendar or contact: Heather Kent: 250-285-3738; hkquadracircle@gmail.com

Nav-CARE Program

Matches trained Volunteer navigators with Quadra Adults coping with chronic or declining health conditions which limit their ability to socialize with other and enjoy previous hobbies and interests. Navigators assist clients and caregivers by offering companionship; emotional support; help with important decisions and locating services; relieving loneliness and worry; and re-engaging in hobbies and interests/ To Volunteer or for info & referrals: Kathleen Monahan, Nav-CARE Coordinator; navcarequadracircle@gmail.com; 778-874-8187

Foundry Campbell River

Bringing together many services under one roof to make it easier for young people to find help and support. Offering services to people between the ages of 12 - 24. Services like: Peer support, Family support, Cultural support, Health Care, Sexual Health, Mental health and counselling, Substance use support and counselling, youth outreach, independent living, housing support, employment information and support, youth and family conflict resolution, aboriginal youth navigators, free groups and courses and other specialized services. 250-286-0611; foundry@jhsni.bc.ca

Ann Elmore House

A shelter for Women and their children in need of safety from all forms of abuse: Emotional, physical, sexual. There are no fees charged to anyone who uses their services. You are never alone, abuse is never ok. No one deserves to be abused. There is help. 250-286-3666; aeh@crcn.net

Smart Recovery Group

Meetings every Friday 12:30 - 2:00pm. Learn how to change unhelpful habits and get more out of life. For location and more information contact Jude McCormick; smartrecoveryquadra@gmail.com

Mental Health Walk in Services Campbell River

Single session Walk-in services are available to residents of the Campbell River area for individuals 19yo and older who are seeking mental health support. 250-850-2620; #207 - 1040 Shoppers Row Campbell River BC V9W 2C6

AA Meetings Quadra Island

Mondays and Fridays 7:30PM Cape Mudge Church - Call 250-287-4313 for more information.

Quadra Island Health Hub

A great resource with more information on health care and services for residents of Quadra Island. If you are looking for more information / did not find what you were looking for here, try this link next


Get in Touch:

Tel: +1 (250) 285-3540


654 Harper Rd #3A, Quathiaski Cove, BC V0P 1N0