Walk in Services
At this time Quadra Island Medical Clinic is not accepting walk ins and our practitioners patient panel is full. We are not currently accepting new patients.
If you are unattached to a provider and need urgent care, assistance, or are not a local resident of Quadra Island. Please look over the following options.
Walk-ins / Care Options
ONLINE Health Clinics
WELL Health Virtual Clinic: https://virtualclinics.ca/
Free Service
Virtual Walk-In: https://www.walkinvirtualclinics.com/telehealth-british-columbia
Free Service
ONLINE Pharmacy Services
Community Pharmacy’s minor ailment prescribing: https://www.bookapharmacist.gov.bc.ca/minorail/s/
Online Booking or call specific community pharmacy directly
For the following ailments: Acne, allergic rhinitis, athlete's foot, atopic dermatitis, canker sores, cold sores, conjunctivitis, dandruff, diaper dermatitis, fungal toenails, GERD, headaches, insect bites & stings, pinworm, ringworms, shingles, smoking cessation, sprain & strains, thrush, UTI and yeast infections
Cervical Self Screening
CanScreen BC:
Self referral Cancer screening virtual clinic for patients without a Primary Care Provider
Campbell River Foundry
- Foundry Virtual Services: https://foundrybc.ca/virtual/
Ages 12-24 (up to turning 25)
Counselling, Peer Support and Primary Care (Physical/sexual health)
- Foundry Campbell River: https://foundrybc.ca/campbellriver/
Ages 12-24 (up to turning 25)
In person physical and sexual primary care, mental health & substance use.
140 10th Avenue,
Campbell River, BC
V9W 4E3
Phone: 250-286-0611
Campbell River Hospital
Emergency Department:
375 2 Ave, Campbell River, BC V9W 3V1
(250) 286-7100
walk in only
Campbell River Urgent Primary Care Centre
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Closed on Weekends and Stats
NOT A WALK IN - Call for same day appointments: 250-286-7011
Phone lines open at 8:30.
Same day Clinics / Self referral
- Alder Women’s Clinic: Self referral
Pap’s, contraceptives, IUD’s
277 Evergreen Road
Campbell River, BC
V9W 5Y4
Phone: 250 287 2534
- Rivercity Medical Clinic: https://sites.google.com/view/rcmc/home
Call first thing in the morning for same day appointments
1424-B Island Highway, PO Box 369, Stn A, Campbell River, BC, V9W 5B6
The clinic is located inside the Real Canadian Superstore
Phone: 250- 287-2111
Mental Health Walk in Services Campbell River
Single session Walk-in services are available to residents of the Campbell River area for individuals 19yo and older who are seeking mental health support. 250-850-2620; #207 - 1040 Shoppers Row Campbell River BC V9W 2C6
Need a Doctor? Register with the Health Registry
When a provider in your area comes available you will be contacted to book an appointment.
Add your name to the list: healthlinkbc.ca/health-connect-registry